50 Patient Advocacy Organizations in the United States
50 Patient Advocacy Organizations in the United States
Patient advocacy organizations play a vital role in supporting individuals affected by various health conditions. They provide resources, education, and a sense of community for patients and their families.
Below is a list of 50 notable patient advocacy organizations in the United States, each dedicated to improving the lives of those they serve.
Alliance for Patient Access,
American Academy of Dermatology,
American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association,
American Cancer Society,
American Diabetes Association,
American Foundation for AIDS Research,
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention,
American Heart Association,
American Lung Association,
American Parkinson Disease Association,
American Society of Hematology,
Alzheimer’s Association,
Arthritis Foundation,
Breast Cancer Research Foundation,
Chronic Pain Association,
Coalition for Pulmonary Fibrosis,
Colon Cancer Coalition,
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation,
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation,
Epilepsy Foundation,
FRAXA Research Foundation,
Global Healthy Living Foundation,
Hemophilia Federation of America,
HIV/AIDS Alliance,
Lupus Foundation of America,
Lymphoma Research Foundation,
Muscular Dystrophy Association,
National Alliance on Mental Illness,
National Association of School Psychologists,
National Center for Learning Disabilities,
National Down Syndrome Society,
National Eczema Association,
National Federation of the Blind,
National Institute of Mental Health,
National Kidney Foundation,
National Multiple Sclerosis Society,
National Organization for Rare Disorders,
National Patients’ Rights Organization,
National Stroke Association,
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance,
Patient Advocate Foundation,
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute,
Parkinson’s Foundation,
Prader-Willi Syndrome Association,
Rare Disease Legislative Advocates,
Sickle Cell Disease Association of America,
Thyroid Association,
Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance,
Urological Association